Thursday, August 15, 2024

Why Make Things So Difficult?

What, you ask, is so difficult? Well, that would be apologizing, and this city has well over a million reasons to apologize. And really, how can you NOT apologize. You ran an organization with systemic sexual harassment and to make up for it you not only spend millions of dollars to lose court cases, you allow the person who was supposed to keep this from happening to run his own investigation. Of himself. This would be laughable if it were some banana republic, but it isn't. To make matters worse, neither of the top dogs, the city managers, did anything other that fight against what is right, because they seemingly think "wrong" looks so much better. And for them, appearances are everything. 

Wouldn't it have been easier to acknowledge that a superior officer demanding porno pics from subordinates is unacceptable and will not be tolerated? Hard stop. Then you apologize to those victims in the police department, to the whistle blowers you punished, and to the citizens who expect better. You do this by explaining exactly, in precise detail, what went wrong, who failed in diligence and action, and what measures you have taken and will continue to take to ensure this never happens again.

Instead, you've pissed away OUR money defending a predator and fighting whistleblower complaints. You look like idiots and are an embarrassment to the community. And this goes not only for the unelected bureaucrats running this shitshow, but for the elected mayor and council who sit idly by, or worse yet rise up in support of this atrocious display of moral rot. When this first came to light, the mayor and council should have insisted on an independent, outside investigation and if the city manager refused he should have been fired for insubordination. Once the truth, which is now seeing the light of day, was revealed, mayor and council should have called for the firing of the police chief, and again, failure of the city manager to act would be fireable insubordination. 

It is time for the mayor and council to show some integrity, and character worthy of the citizens they claim to represent. It is time for them to grow a spine. If they cannot, or will not, then they should resign.