Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What's With The Cops?

Dunwoody PD has been advertising with their mobile signage, the kind you and I are not allowed to have. Some have taken issue with that and this has started a real goat rodeo. When one pointed out that the cops should be obeying the laws they enforce someone else pointed out that it is not the cops that are tasked with enforcing signage codes. It isn't clear if anyone, even those who should, actually enforce these codes, but it became a point of argument. Others, rightly, pointed out that the PD has had, and shows no signs of change, serious issues with internal sexual harassment, mistreatment of whistle blowers, and an incredibly bad, and unsuccessful track record in the courts. Many others, a vast majority, think the PD walks on water when it isn't frozen so anything the PD does, including breaking the law, is OK by them. It is a real shit show, but it tells you a lot about what is wrong with this city.