Monday, February 8, 2021

Is Netflix A Sin

Or is it just a guilty pleasure? No matter, some local governments in Georgia want to treat it, and tax it, like a sin. Now the Georgia Municipal Association, a shaker and mover behind all things "tax" would tell you it is just another franchise fee which they claim isn't a tax, it is just "rent." As if the god in their heaven endowed them with the unalienable right to rent out other folks property. 

But there are some real problems in this nightmare on main street. First, what the hell happened to all that local control? Was that just the stinking bucket of political manure some thought it was? And why is it that the governments that tax residents seven ways to Sunday have no problem handing out multi-million dollar tax abatements to developers who are already making enormous profits? And keep in mind those same advocates of taxing us for Netflix justify it by saying that Netflix is very profitable. First, clamping down on market success is not a sound intellectual argument, else we'd expect to see taxes on restaurants based on their success. Or how about this: a tax on developers based on how profitable they are. Never. Going. To. Happen.

So what should happen? Well, let's take a page from the antifa/BLM movements, Silence Equals Consent and any elected official who remains silent, who refuses to stand up and speak out against these punitive taxes should be removed from office and replaced with representatives who will make the bureaucratic changes necessary to fulfill the promise of "local control."