Thursday, September 26, 2024

Are Crazy People Happy?

The gut-check answer is "no." It's inconceivable that the crazies could possibly be happy. How could anyone be happy with being crazy? That would be crazy, right?

Well, Mr. Gallup tells us that over the last 12 months that 50-60% of folks have self-diagnosed as bat-crap crazy. Who are these people? Partisans, which really means hyper-partisans, because ordinary partisans have either drifted away or joined their thundering herd racing to the extremes. Left or right, it doesn't matter because they've gone so far they've wound up sharing the same cesspool. And what do they find in this hockey-chopper? Floaters? Sinkers? Both? Maybe, but what they are both smeared with is vitriolic hate speech, and one is doing it better than the other. 

The clear winner is, and has been for some time, the extremists on the left. Academics, who consistently bow their sheaves to the left, initially silenced dissent with boycotts and extensive use of the heckler's veto. They followed this up with extreme actions and speech, ultimately ending with blatant antisemitism. While there was some backlash, the extremists remain entrenched, catching their breath, ready to start again. 

Then we get the 2024 election cycle and rhetoric heats up as it simultaneously descends into crazy. And dangerous. That is what differentiates one side from the other. As we all know, Trump and his allies spout some pretty crazy shit. Sorry, but there is just no other word for it. But if you're one of those 40-50%, take a step back and look at the characteristics of what is being said. First, it is incredibly ludicrous. It is hard to believe that anyone believes this blather. Then if you mull it over, you'll realize these are ad hominem attacks. They are technically personal insults, but they are superficial insults based on things like appearance and how someone's name is pronounced. It is grade school humour and makes you wonder if they still tell, and laugh at, fart jokes. Yes, it is infantile, and yes, it is tiresome. But it is largely harmless.

Not so for the left, the Democrats and their allies. And they have many, many allies. They have cultivated homegrown crazies that have resorted to violence to advance The Cause. Shortly after Trump came on the scene, we had the attack against Republican congress members by a homegrown left lunatic. Remember, the left said that words matter. Then they proved it. They have been incessant in proclaiming Trump as an existential threat to democracy as we know it, as in, empowering unelected bureaucrats. So is it any surprise that two crazy lefties have made assassination plans and attempts? And they have help. Even the AJC grooms their letters to emphasize the leftist meme that Trump can only be believed when what he says can be twisted in support of their "existential threat" lies. They love to mention Trump and Hitler in the same rant, though it is highly unlikely any have read Mein Kampf. They've not read the Constitution either, at least not the part that comes before the amendments, or they'd know Trump is going to be no more, nor any less, of an autocrat than the current president. 

What is impressive is how entrenched the left is in media, academia and think tanks. It's not just the aforementioned grooming done by news outlets, or the antisemitism raging across academia, but a BBC interview with an employee of the Carnegie Institute was, frankly, brazen. Ostensibly the "expert" was given airtime to discuss the need for greater Secret Service security after the second assassin came after Trump. She, Rachel Kleinfeld, would have none of it, pivoting quickly to blaming Trump because he is the root cause of inflammatory rhetoric. So she says. It was like the scene from Jaws where the two boys get caught with the cardboard shark fin. You know the one, where one boy points to the other and says "he made me do it."  But it seems to be working, and they seem to be winning. How do we know? Just look at who's getting shot at.