Thursday, March 24, 2022

Pros From Dover

We were told from the beginning, and it is enshrined in the city charter, that we would forgo meaningful representation for the promise of professional, virtually flawless, city operations by hired bureaucrats. Reality has proven to be far from the promise. We've had serious ethics violations, not averted by a city attorney bureaucrat. Odious incompetence and open malfeasance plagues the police department. We've had multiple DWB violations (costly). We've had civil rights violations (more costly). Sexual hijinks (untold costs, to date). Fealty to business over residents (think "bark park" in your back yard) has proven that even if they are competent, they're devoted tocojones anyone but us. And this all lands on the city manager, first and current, who've not the bollocks to do anything (positive) about these train wrecks. Certainly we're getting neither Hawkeye nor Trapper John.

And...given the only lever our eviscerated mayor and council have to pull is replacing the city manager with someone with some cojones we obviously need some changes in who gets elected and the only relevant question during any election debate is "are you committed to changing the city manager?" Or, should we bypass that and fix the city charter?