We already know the Dunwoody PD has no intention of ever enforcing the no-truck zones. How so? Because the "Top Cop" sent an email to a concerned resident stating exactly that.
Now "Top Cop" is in a pissing contest with DeKalb Schools over traffic cams in school zones. Why? Because "Top Cop" ain't gonna provide traffic enforcement in school zones any more than he's gonna enforce anything outside of Perimeter Center. Apparently they really are mall cops.
DeKalb schools are pushing back and can you really blame them given the DPD's history of producing and distributing porn? One might wonder if they're expanding into child porn and since they're not allowed in the school zone for enforcement remote cameras are pretty much required.
It gets worse.
In trying to justify these cameras, the "Top Cop" farted this out in the first pew:
Police said that data collected by all four departments shows thousands of speeding violations around school areas, some even resulting in fatal accidents.
Pretty hard to believe, isn't it? Staring at traffic violations frequent enough and severe enough that we're seeing FATALITIES and yet REFUSING TO PATROL warrants some investigation, which when given the chance the AJC avoided preferring to continue as the city's PR department. It does beg a lot of questions. What does it take to get our "Top Cop" off his ass? How do we get our laws enforced? If this city is going to rely on automation (ASE - automated speed enforcement) why do we even have cops? Or if they're only going to patrol Perimeter Mall do they really need SUVs? And what about ASE cams over there? Why not? And what will it take to get a change in city and PD leadership and get someone who can and will do the job?