Monday, January 10, 2022

Teaching From Aruba

Teachers are notoriously risk averse and this quality almost every move. In many places teachers belong to unions which are often at odds with the public they allege to serve and who definitely make payroll. In Chicago this toxic combination has the schools shutdown due to an ongoing pissing contest between the teachers' union and the mayor, both reliably left leaning. It seems the teachers want to work from some vacation hotspot whilst the mayor wants asses in classes.

Why the disconnect from what in other times would be two sides of the same coin?

Parents. Apparently these otherwise docile folk are quite riled up and while they cannot fire teachers (no one can) they can fire the mayor. And if they don't get the educational services they feel their children deserve they can, and will, find themselves a new mayor. A mayor that will take the bull by the horns and corral an out-of-control union. And what will that look like? Well, it won't be "teaching from the beach."