Monday, May 17, 2021

When Pigs Fly

Recent research has demonstrated that pigs are capable of intestinal respiration.

Meanwhile here in Dunwoody we have yet another episode of "just cannot mind your own business" oozing out of city hall. Rather than updating on traffic enforcement by city PD or sign ordinance enforcement our "communications" director (are there any just plain ole worker bees on our payroll?) we are treated to a notice that yard debris pickup may be delayed. Of course that has NOTHING to do with the city as that happens to be a county service. The notice from the city is perhaps their idea of something for the greater good.

On the ordinance front one of the dwarfs penned a discoverable missive to a mere resident suggesting all the residents' problems will be solved when a new set of ordinances, ones this resident can get his confused little mind around, are approved. In fact these will have the real effect of wiping out community protection while giving profiteering businesses a free hand to do whatever they want. This dwarf espouses the philosophy that what is good for business is all for the greater good. 

What does this have to do with porcine intestinal pulmonary function? Well, human testing of intestinal respiration is just beginning and we just happen to have some folks at city hall that have been practicing cranal-anal-inversion for some time so there are certainly some walking bowels sporting pulmonary activity. With all the time they have spent blowing smoke up our collective arses maybe it is time something got blown up theirs. All for the greater good of course.