Not Lysol. Not Purell. Not bleach. It's sunshine. In politics it is not just the best, it is often the only option.
In DeKalb we are in a unique limbo. Voters approved a strong measure to establish an ethics commission to help eradicate long standing corruption in local government. With so many politicians imprisoned and indicted the need is clear but by the same token the corruption is deeply entrenched with no intention of going quietly. The legal limbo surrounding appointments offers the a chance to gut the commission effectively ensuring that past political hijinks continue unabated. That there weapon of choice is a lie, the labeling of the commission lead as "judge, jury and executioner," suggests that before sanitizing we will need a good hard scrubbing at the ballot box.
In DeKalb we are in a unique limbo. Voters approved a strong measure to establish an ethics commission to help eradicate long standing corruption in local government. With so many politicians imprisoned and indicted the need is clear but by the same token the corruption is deeply entrenched with no intention of going quietly. The legal limbo surrounding appointments offers the a chance to gut the commission effectively ensuring that past political hijinks continue unabated. That there weapon of choice is a lie, the labeling of the commission lead as "judge, jury and executioner," suggests that before sanitizing we will need a good hard scrubbing at the ballot box.