Monday, April 15, 2019

The Real Admissions Scandal

The real scandal was not that the rich can buy their children's way into an elite university. It is that once in that university everyone, the parents, the kids, and everyone at the university know that kid is going to get a degree from that "elite" university. Short of open displays of conservatism anyone who gets in is all but guaranteed a diploma.


Because U.S. News and World Report rankings factor in both acceptance rate (lower is better) alongside graduation rate (higher is better). And what makes an elite, elite is a) size of the endowment; and b) their ranking with U.S. News. You may be wondering how U.S. News became so important, so powerful. Join the crowd. No one knows and if anyone does, they're not talking.

But the real scandal, if there is one, isn't gaming an acceptance system but it is the diploma mill these gamers get their children into.