Monday, April 22, 2019

Fish Rot First In The Head

And so does this city.

We have a long history of issues with policing: civil rights violations in traffic stops; unsolved double murder; bungled day-care shooting; shredding the US Constitution because it is inconvenient to their sting operation; and the fatal shooting by police of a driver, who had he been black, would have burned Dunwoody into the social consciousness rather than Ferguson.

And what of the head of this fish?

Well, we've had a "Large Truck and Bus Enforcement..." but when one considers the departments institutionalized policy against enforcement of truck route violations within our community it is little but self-promotion. Then we're fed a travelogue twitter-feed that would make Trump blush:

Aside from the cost/benefit aspect one must wonder. It seems as if the city has sent the top cop further and further away things have gotten better without his hand on the tiller. It is as if rudderless is better than the only alternative the Mayor and Council are willing to offer. Until they grow a spine and connect it to a working brain this city is likely best served by increasing the PD's travel budget.