Thursday, April 19, 2018

Stop Work Order

Suburban re-renewal ain't what they thought it was. They includes the city, DHA and the developer community. Apparently the property on the Most Glorious Re-Jiggered Dunwoody Parkway has been passed between developers. No reports on money changing hands but apparently the city's diktats to the developer fell thru the cracks, specifically the social engineering goal of building an Olde Farte Gulag right here in daVille. Seems the DHA and the city consider "negotiations" to ensure the availability of elevator shafts and Masters on Main in the gulag quite the feather in their cap.  Turns out what hit their collective heads came from a bird but wasn't a feather. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

To understand this cock up you must remember this is the city that forced a road contractor to perform substandard work using unacceptable materials and the DHA glory days ended with the referendum vote and their negotiating prowess is epitomized by their hand in locating a menorah in the most prominent position they could find. What could possibly go wrong? Turns out, every demand from the local authorities running our Permission Society--damn near everything went off the rails. Apparently when the first developer passed the baton somehow the Olde Farte Gulag requirements evaporated and a customer open house did not properly emphasize the "Shafts and Masters" requirements dictated by folks who are neither prospective buyers nor at any risk should the development underperform. It is easy to say what must be done when you're not doing it and not going to pay for it.

So the city cancelled the permits until the current developer updates the blueprints showing the gulag requirements, which will be options, and perhaps has some marketing glossies and price bumps required for hip replacements to play nicely in three floor townhomes. Master on Main attempts to convert a luxury townhome into a tiny flat with a luxury attic and inaccessible basement/garage. Elevators make all floors accessible at the expense of reduced living space and significant capital and operational costs. Gulag Diktats will be options unattractive to anyone who can afford to live here and if our Permission Masters force construction of these configurations they will not sell unless subsidized. By you.

Isn't it wonderful living under multiple layers of HOA's especially when you didn't ask for either one?