Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Lead By Example

For whatever reason politicians at many levels are ramping up their "there oughta be a law" rants. This time it is about unsolicited phone calls from scammers and telemarketers. Someone wants yet another law prohibiting the practice with today's twist being that the phone companies should be intimately involved in the operation under penalty should they fail. Unlike their no-call list which is an epic failure with zero consequences.

But this is also an opportunity. For leadership. From our pols. See, they could invoke a self-imposed ban on unsolicited political phone calls. The legitimacy of their self-proclaimed advocacy on our behalf would be better supported by having politicians, as a group, get ahead of the issue and lead by example. But that won't happen because that is the real problem for the pols. The real problem is that their uninfringed access to your ears without competing messages coming from any other sources, foreign or domestic should never be limited. Basically these politicians are operating on the understanding that you're an idiot, that you need to conform to their messaging and that requires no interference from other sources.