Thursday, August 24, 2017

And They Call It Puppy Love

Over by Dunwoody United Methodist Church, the birthplace of Dunwoody, there is a holding pen for rug rats that is transitioning to a strikingly similar operation hosting dogs. Being labeled "doggy daycare" does little to disguise the fact that it is more like a "doggy hotel" of the extended stay variety. Yes, we're talking sleepovers with proper human chaperones to avoid the near occasion of a doggy brothel. But it isn't the prospect of squeals of delight but incessant barking that has human neighbors lighting their virtual Tiki Torches. One neighbor summed it up thusly:
"The city needs to establish a new code for affluent neighborhoods.
Now why would anyone think the city must ask "how high" whenever the affluent say "jump"? The easily jumped-to conclusion is "entitlement," but just consider that it might be something else. Perhaps, watching how malleable city hall seems whenever a business needs an ordinance custom tailored to their needs, they might have thought that voting taxpayers, especially rich ones, might carry similar gravitas. Regardless, the neighbors may want to get accustomed to incessant barking as the new business intends to join the BYOB club giving it Most Favored Business Status with the Council.