Thursday, June 22, 2017

Ossoff: Handel-ed

Though not nearly as bad as that fateful Wednesday when hordes of women queued up at Goodwill to drop off tear-stained blue pantsuits[1] this Tuesday's results have left them confused, angry and conflicted. Clintonistas whose argument inevitably devolved into "don't you think it is about time we had a woman president?" found themselves battling against sending the first female Republican to Congress instead supporting an ill-qualified rich white guy, a man who's money came from deceased relatives, a man who so loves the district he choses not to live here. But neither character nor logic has a place in personality, gender or party politics. Not then and certainly not now.

What of those who voted for Ossoff to "send a message"? These folks see our representative government as little more than an opportunity to raise the boy scout sign as they screech "read between the lines" to some far off unseeing, unhearing mythical foe. Are they of such an intellect or character that they can accept that a message has been sent? And that it has been sent to them? And what of the outside monied interests promoting an outsider for what is otherwise a local issue in the sovereign state of Georgia? Are they different in kind to the alleged Russian meddlers they blame for the bad press used to excuse their candidate's failure in November? Are the millions of dollars their establishment spent a projection? Does it say "Our votes in Congress are for sale, so we cannot comprehend how we cannot buy yours"? They tried. They failed. They will spin. But at least, for now, we can bask in the benign neglect these coastal elites afford the fly-overs.

[1] While you may have thought your Mexi-Maids had been issued new uniforms the fact is the second-hand market was flooded with blue pantsuits sporting only one wear, no wash and deep discounts.