Monday, March 11, 2013

Dunwoody Party Parthenon

Dunwoody has built a brand spanking new rendition of the Greek classic Parthenon. This version meets Dunwoody's de facto Williamsburg requirements and sports the ever handy money disbursement machines which play such an important part of our daily lives.

The Dunwoody Parthenon is expected to become the cultural center of the Village and the City has planned a "grand reveal" complete with musical entertainment provided by none other than Banks and Shane. For newcomers and those farmhousers who've been living under a rock for thirty years, Banks and Shane is a local duo with a band that is one half folk, one half brass, one half Jimmy Buffet cover band and one hundred percent pure entertainment. Expect to hear all the classics including "The Birthday Song", "Jimmy's Best Ever Sailing Ballad" and all the other Banks and Shane hits. And because this is such a special occasion, Steve Hawes,  Banks and Shane's best bass man of all time will rejoin the group to sing his heart-rending a capela version of Dixie. There won't be a dry eye in the audience.

Master of ceremonies for this grand gala is none other than our very own Mayor Pro Tem who assures us that the festivities are free for everyone--the City is picking up the entire tab. So you won't need that charge card, but you best charge up your Die Hard because it will be one hell of a party. And if you happen to find yourself down at City Hall before a council meeting you just might run across a certain someone battering his brain with earbuds and singing, off key, his own words to his favorite tune:
"We took enough money to buy Miami
Then we pissed it away so fast...
Never meant to last, never meant to last..."
So tune up that blender, dust off the tin cup, stock up on Caldewoods and green label, patch yer flip flops, then crank up that Little Willie John and shag on down to the Party Parthenon.