Saturday, February 22, 2025


This seems to be the word of the week, at least for legacy news. The see, and say, T2 is politicizing the government, like that is a bad thing, because it checks the unchecked administrative state.


The defense of this opaque and confusing administrative state borders on hysteria. Even members of congress aren't sure which programs in our schools are DoE or HHS, suggesting there is no meaningful oversight by the creators this alphabet soup of a government. So let's no kid ourselves, the administrative state is not a government of, by or for the American people. 

That is because it is distanced and protected from our democratically elected officeholders. Over the past 100 years, congress has created and nurtured this administrative state transferring the power and authority of the democratic republic to their creation. In so doing they have ensured that our vote doesn't matter, because in their mind, elected officials no longer matter. At least one seems to disagree, claiming that the electorate's will has authority over the administrative state.

Is this politicized, or is this democratized? Maybe this is something we should try in Dunwoody, especially if the city charter is as malleable as our little administrative state thinks it is.