Thursday, January 30, 2025

Follow The Science

But watch out for the scientists.

Research, particularly research conducted inside the academy, is informally known as a "publish or perish" reality. Want tenure? Pump out those papers. Want a promotion or a raise? Keep 'em coming. 

And so they do.

To be very clear, just any old publication will not do. No vanity press here, these need to be accepted by peer-reviewed publications, and it should come as no surprise there is a pecking order to these publications. Some are just more prestigious than others. What seems to be consistent across the board is the review process.

Authors will tell you this process is burdensome, unnecessarily so, and feel some reviewers provide annoying criticisms, demanding fixes, because, well, just because they can. What is increasingly clear is this process does very little to ensure the scientific integrity or veracity of the research work. It should come as no surprise that once a prestigious journal publishes, they tend to turn a deaf ear to outside peers who find fault, scientific fault, research fault, with the publication. 

In one case, retraction of seriously flawed work took six years. In this time the paper was cited almost 150 times. Damage done. And lest you think this is an unusual or rare occurrence, Retraction Watch's database has 55,000 retractions of which over 450 are CoVid-19 research papers. So, if you are going to "follow the science" you need to read these papers with a bit more critical eye than the reviewers.