Monday, June 10, 2024

Makes You Wonder, Doesn't It?

Another Casualty

It makes you wonder who knocks these down. It makes you wonder who puts them back up. And then, this is where it rabbit holes, it makes you wonder why.

Why put up a sign that is nothing more than a testament to this city's failure to enforce its own laws? Why make this city a punchline more than is absolutely necessary? Why? Do you expect the new Top Cop to be any better than his mentor? Even if he wants to be, will the city manager allow it? Are we going to suddenly see traffic laws enforced in Dunwoody's residential areas? Will tickets be issued to trucks violating the zone this sign defines? Will red-light runners, and there are many, in the Village, and other shopping areas, be ticketed? Speeders? They all know that Dunwoody is the Atlanta version of a residential autobahn. And that shows no sign of changing.