Thursday, March 14, 2024

Oh Publix! You Were Doing So Well.

Some time ago, as rumor has it, a resident spoke to the folks at the Publix in daVille regarding the no truck zones. From that time forward Publix has routed their trucks to avoid the no truck zones as they should. And as they did. Until today. 

There is some reason to believe this was a mistake. The driver originally intended to turn left, perhaps after seeing the "no truck" sign on Roberts, to continue on Chamblee Dunwoody at which point the driver may have seen the "no truck" sign on CDR. In any event the driver stopped, mid intersection, and after some delay continued on Roberts. Without the requisite forty acres the choices were limited. 

Perhaps if the driver had seen the "no trucks" sign at the corner of CDR and the Parkway this would have been avoided. It is hard to fault a driver for not seeing a sign that is flat on the ground and has been for over a week. It is perfectly reasonable to fault a failed city government.