Friday, January 12, 2024

You Win

The local whining society has been harping for sometime about their dissatisfaction with the business makeup of daVille. Standard fare are the cheap shots about the number of banks disregarding the fact that it has been called "Bankwoody" since before Versatile Video was selling Commodore PET microcomputers. They seem to think we need more pizzerias because after Sal's closed to make room for a larger Publix we just haven't had anyplace to buy a pizza. Or maybe they just don't like Urgent Care facilities. Well, if that's the case, they just got a win as a long time urgent care center in daVille is packing it up and calling it quits. 

Maybe the whiners will get together, pool their money and open one of the trendy restaurants they go on and on about. Or, maybe just another bank.