Monday, April 3, 2023

The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.

Do actions still speak louder than words? Even after a decade of hordes chanting "words matter?" And does this hold true in Dunwoody? If so, this city is shouting:

  1. Prostitution: good.
  2. Alcohol: bad.
  3. PD? Just plain ugly.
In the first case the Dunwoody PD is shielding hotels who turn a blind eye to pimps and prostitutes by refusing to release the names of these businesses. Then we have a sting looking for businesses selling alcohol to underaged buyers and these businesses are named and shamed. 

Are they trying to get sued? Can you really get away with treating one business with kid gloves and another with brass knuckles? Given our own PD has anthropomorphized our hotels is this not also true of other businesses? If so, should they not bet equal treatment? 

When is the next election?