Thursday, April 27, 2023

Will This Really Fix It?

Over at suggestions have been put forth that might address the long running, systemic, perhaps even structural dysfunction of the DeKalb County School Board. Specifically this includes: term limits; pay rises; and super districts. The second of these suggestions sounds alarmingly familiar to anyone watching the circus that is public education. No matter the problem the solution is always [more] money. Always. Despite the fact this invariably ignores TOD's law: where there is no solution there is no problem, only a situation. Since [more] money has yet to show even partial success in addressing education's issues, it is difficult to say there is a problem. Unless we avoid the attempts to take money for a solution.

The similarity is also strikingly similar to the incessant calls for teacher pay rises. Every year. Every budget. The feigned logic is that better pay will attract better teachers, ignoring the elephant in the room: it is all but impossible to fire underperforming teacher to make way for these better, and better paid, candidates. 

So maybe decaturish is onto something. Though incumbency is a powerful force, it is possible to remove elected officials by the ballot box or, as we have seen, with action by the state. If these pay rises are combined with the first suggestion, to impose term limits, we might well see improvements at a less than glacial pace. Otherwise we can expect to witness ongoing degradation of the system.

Monday, April 24, 2023

History In The Taking

Looks like the historical eraser heads went a bridge too far. In their enthusiasm to erase any triggering reminder of the losers of the Civil War they put in place plans to rename Lake Lanier. Turns out that Sidney Lanier, for whom the lake is named, is far better known as a poet that for his impactful service as a private in the Confederate Army. They were also going after the dam that holds back the water thus creating the lake. Whilst the dam is named after the nearby town of Buford, that moniker is from a Lt. Colonel with the Virginia Militia. So names not only separated by over a century but by multiple degrees of namings are ripe for the reaping. 

The eraser heads did get pushback on their Buford and Lanier plans, powerful enough for them to hit "pause." It is worth noting they have not canceled their plans, just waiting for the opportune moment. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Signs That Don't Work

You know the kind. Like a "drug-free zone" sign near an elementary school. Even worse, a no-guns sign. These don't seem to be working anywhere anymore. Well except in a few locations: those where the sign is backed up by enforcement. You know, like under the gold dome or the county courthouse. 

Dunwoody has its own flavor of sign that never works:

Cannot Stop A Truck With A Sign

There is only one way to make this work: enforcement. And that is not on anyone's calendar.

Monday, April 17, 2023

A Never-Ending Disaster

That pretty much describes the DeKalb County School District. 

First we have a sole finalist  for superintendent who will be the fourth in four years and who is liked by no one outside of the School Board. And, it isn't certain he is that well liked there, but when you have the track record of DCSD you may find yourself more a beggar than a chooser. It also turns out that a quick Google search would turn up some things about the candidate that may not be well aligned with DeKalb, especially given a demographic that includes Latin and Asian communities.

Then we have an elementary school teacher who answered nature's call but seemed to have forgotten that he left his loaded gun in the restroom. Oops. Surely there is a story there and we may hear it if this goes to trial as he has been arrested. When we discuss classroom discipline perhaps we should include teachers who know and follow the rules.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Heal Thyself

It seems a county contractor has been accused of improprieties around the use of pandemic economic emergency funds and now a county commissioner wants a code of ethics for businesses contracting with the county. And DeKalb County should know of these things. Remember the P-Card fiasco? Not that long ago. Then we have a [former] commissioner convicted of extortion regarding one of the county's...wait for it...wastewater contractors

Is the expectation that contractors will now be held to the same high standards that the commissioners hold themselves?

Monday, April 10, 2023

Yeah, But...


Protection From The Sun

Needs Protection From The Sun

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Have They Ever Won?

It doesn't seem to matter whether suit is brought against the city or if the city initiates legal action it isn't clear if the city has ever won. Maybe the losses are just more prominent because of the enormous expense. Maybe they won't need a to float a bond if they quit with these wasteful endeavors. 

Their most recent loss (unless in the brief time since they've lost another court case) regards a legit business, doggy daycare, for the fact that, wait for it, dogs bark! Now this might upset local cats (but is too far from the city hosted cat house to bother the ladies) but they were in violation of no ordinance (when did the city start enforcing those?) yet still worked to placate complainers. Then the city took them to court. And lost. 

Maybe the Truth Butcher can post the city's win/loss record on the website or D-News. Interesting and entertaining.

Monday, April 3, 2023

The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.

Do actions still speak louder than words? Even after a decade of hordes chanting "words matter?" And does this hold true in Dunwoody? If so, this city is shouting:

  1. Prostitution: good.
  2. Alcohol: bad.
  3. PD? Just plain ugly.
In the first case the Dunwoody PD is shielding hotels who turn a blind eye to pimps and prostitutes by refusing to release the names of these businesses. Then we have a sting looking for businesses selling alcohol to underaged buyers and these businesses are named and shamed. 

Are they trying to get sued? Can you really get away with treating one business with kid gloves and another with brass knuckles? Given our own PD has anthropomorphized our hotels is this not also true of other businesses? If so, should they not bet equal treatment? 

When is the next election?