Friday, February 17, 2023

If You Can't Say Something Nice...

...come sit by me.

Seems the meeting to discuss ramming "paths" down residents' collective throats did not have the church revival vibe the mayor was demanding. She seemed to think she was a cross-examining lawyer demanding the witness "just answer the question" because controlling the question controls the outcome. 

Then it went pear shaped when the mayor slipped some interesting quotes.

"I think the perception is we're not listening."

See, when you, as a resident, disagree with the powers that be at city hall then it will be dismissed as a "perception." Got it?

Or how about this?

"My goal for tonight [...] was to figure out where people would like to see [trails]. Not where you don't want to see it. It doesn't help me if we're going to pick one part to pilot."

Maybe, just maybe, people want to see these "trails" in Alabama. But that doesn't fit your agenda, does it?

Then there is the discordant notes of serving all those folks in Dunwoody who don't have cars and depend on public transportation juxtaposed with the conclusion that the Village is the best place to start. Has the mayor ever been to the village? Notice a lots of folks w/o cars didja? 

After not getting the "amens" and "hallelujahs" the mayor has determined that the wrong folk were in attendance and the city needs to engage (round up?) the right folk. The ones that agree with the agenda. 

But here's another option. You're going to put a referendum out there (parks and associated tax increases) so why not add a referendum on all this "trail" happy horseshit?