Monday, September 12, 2022

Any Day, Most Of The Day

Want to see what is rotten in the state of Dunwoody? It is really very, very easy to do. Just go to the intersection of Roberts and Chamblee-Dunwoody, stand right next to one of the "No Trucks" signs that clearly indicate that trucks are not allowed on either of these roads north of that intersection. And truck drivers don't even need to be literate because these signs include the comic book version.

And just what will you see while you're standing there? For years now you'd see all manner of illegal truck traffic making deliveries to daVille. But now? You'll see convoys of illegal dump truck traffic. There are many times you will have three or more of these trucks within view. And this starts before 7AM and continues pretty much all day. 

And they're not moving slowly. They barrel past Austin and blast through the village. In fact they're not going to the village proper they're actually going much closer to I-285 than to the Northridge GA-400 exit. That's right. They could exit from I-285, a closer exit and be legal. But they don't.

If you stand there long enough you might even notice a Dunwoody Patrol SUV. What you will not see, not ever, is that police officer  enforcing the law and ticketing these offenders. They've been told to stand down.

Not all that long ago Dunwoody's Top Cop sent a complaining resident an email (so it is discoverable) basically saying there were not enough violations to justify the cost of enforcement. So much to unpack, but let's revisit. Suppose a patrol officer has a W-2 salary of  $52K per year and the burdened cost is three times that. So the city is paying $3K per week for a patrol officer. That's $600 per day. Now if you stand at that intersectiton for just an hour you will see 15-20 violations and if only $100 per violation our Top Cop is making a hefty profit. Maybe enough to pay for another junket to the Holy Land. 

So this isn't about the money. This is about a city hall filled with bureaucrats who disrespect the residents and their own ordinances. They only care about one thing: the developers and business to whom they are beholden.