Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Tail Between Two Cities

And the cities are? Lawrenceville and Dunwoody. So far away (not really) and yet so close (really).  

Sex related hijinx in the PD? Lawrenceville, check. Dunwoody, check and maybe keep on checking. Similar outcomes? Not so much. In Lawrenceville we get some firings, with cause. In Dunwoody we (don't) see primary actors being disappeared and allowed to resign. How can the lack of accountability in Dunwoody possibly be what is best for this city?

Po-Po DUI? Lawrenceville, check. Dunwoody, check check. Outcomes. Lawrenceville, again with the strict adherence to good sense and quick dismissal. Dunwoody offers (to some?) a mulligan and we'll never know about the second since public records were made public before Truth Botcher could slice and dice the presentation. Remember, you eat first with your eyes, especially handy when you want to make something look better than the bad taste it leaves in your mouth. One must wonder if everyone gets a mulligan or is it a select few? If the latter what does that do to morale?

Cone of silence? Again, each city earns a full complement of check marks. It's almost as if opacity is systemic in local governments (and we wanted more of this?). But again, Lawrenceville comes under the scrutiny of the AJC and Dunwoody gets a pass from them with the AJC reluctantly playing catch-up to the local rags who had nothing holding them from publication. Obviously the AJC doesn't allocate investigative resource where the malfeasance is greatest. Maybe that is just too obvious...too shooting fish in a barrel. 

Maybe not.