Monday, August 23, 2021

Who Does HE Think He Is?

There is an old saying, "There but for the grace of God goes...God" speaking to the hubris of unchecked ego. City hall seems to be a petri dish for hubris.

Commission Chair Bob Dallas said he understood the concerns of homeowners, but ultimately thought the development would be beneficial to the area and had the ability to drive up market values.

“That has been done elsewhere throughout this region, and values have gone up,” he said. “It’s just what the market likes, even though the individuals who live there today may not like it all.”

It is very tempting to demand that he justify "throughout this region" and the "values have gone up" with real, verifiable data demanding that he resign immediately after withdrawing this ill-conceived scheme. But that won't happen. The data aren't there and never was. You, dear reader, can conclude what his statements really are. 

But let's suppose he is right and this atrocious development drives up property values. Who does that impact? Well, not the developers nor the businesses that lease from them because the city will give them a tax handout, because, well, you know, this area just wouldn't be a viable development if we didn't pad their profits. Nope, it will be the residents who will see property tax increases. You know, the folks he admits he doesn't give a damn about. The "individuals who live there today." The ones he intends to drive out of their homes so they can be replaced by more compliant folks. 

Who died and made him god? The corpse littering city hall seems to be that of "accountability in elected office" as this is one of those appointed bureaucrats that [thinks he] runs this  city. Not beholding to the ballot box and doesn't give a damn what the folks who live here, who vote here and who have to suffer under his condescending paternalistic mansplaining have to say. Tonight we'll see if he is right, but don't expect the dwarfs to stand up for the folks who live here if it means standing against developer and business interests. Perhaps by next election day we'll see if the voters really get a voice. In anything.

Of course this is no skin off his nose as he lives far from the impact zone. And he is so proud of his actions that he had Google Maps permanently blur his home from street view. He wants his privacy all the while he laying the cornerstone of high rise apartments with balconies overlooking our kids playing in our back yards. Is it any surprise he is a business attorney? Because that is whose interests he is advocating. Exclusively.

One has to wonder what church of which religion has a seat where he can hear the voice of moral authority say that what he is doing, why he is doing it and who he is doing it for is just and right. Outside of the Church of Unlimited Greed, there is no such seat in any such pew. There is a special place in hell and it will look like a Dunwoody Yes! reunion.