Thursday, January 16, 2020

We'll Have What She's Having

What is it with this City and booze? Yeah, yeah, Shopsin said it first: the profit is in the liquids and certainly were one to follow the money the booze would just be liquid gold flowing freely down at City Hall. But fer crissakes, can't they give it break?

First it was a City hell bent on converting Cycle Bar to "Open Bar" and now it is converting the village to "Open Container." Their idea is that you'll be able to leave one of the licensed (or "don't ask don't tell") establishments in daVille with your current/next drink in a plastic cup (ferget the whales and carbon footprints) and stagger to...where, exactly? That would be your car now wouldn't it, because there really isn't anywhere else to go. And it won't be changed by folks staggering around like frat boys during rush week.

The public story (propaganda?) squizzing out of City Hall always leads to Canton Street. How we don't have one. But the City cannot seem to figure out just where they want this faux-southern-charm farce located. Is it around Project Renaissance? Well that hasn't panned out, so now is it daVille? Just imagine the lost opportunity when they missed converting the old Glaze's Hardware into a mini-Krog Street with "chef-driven" cuisine-du-jour offerings. Then you could have plastic-cupped your G&T up Winters Chapel and visited folks put under the sod by a little "harmless" drink driving. It is harmless isn't it? After all the City is promoting it so it cannot be bad. Just ask anyone at City Hall.

Since it is so good, please, make it double.