Tis the season: the Gold Dome is overpopulated and swirls of silly seem to permeate everything.
We've got a posturing, pandering freshwoman Democrat Senator who wants to roll back the campus carry law because, she claims "this law is wildly unpopular." This is based solely on her campaign where "parents, students and professors told me they feel less safe knowing kids can have guns in schools." Wildly? Well something has gone wild. "Less safe?" Compared to? Really? Kids? Twenty-one years old--old enough to be tried as an adult--and that fits HER definition of a kid? Sure, this is pandering, but is this the voice of moral authority that should be speaking on "common sense" gun laws?
It gets better. Down at the Ga Supreme Court, Justices unanimously (and rightly) found that roadside, warrantless Breathalyzer tests violate the State Constitution. Is this going to stop roadside Breathalyzers? Well, yes, sort of. At least the "official" test. Turns out many jurisdictions use flashlights with built in alcohol sensors and have for some time. Not likely to stop and good luck finding any department transparent enough to let you know they use these (questionable) devices. Remember, these are the same folks who adore a $2.00 field test that can get your property seized and your ass in jail for driving under the influence of cotton candy.
The Supreme Court was on a roll, determining, again unanimously, that 911 "fees" were actually taxes and that counties did not have standing to take utility companies to court as this action is only available at the state level. Wonder if this applies to franchise "fees" as well? There is some humor value in noting that within a Stage IV metastatic permission society some parts of that very society need permission from other parts. And those "some parts" really don't like it, making one wonder why the "of, by and for" little people put up with it.
This cannot conclude without noting yet another arrogance from the sovereign government-in-a-government: public schools. Apparently some students were poisoned during the school day, and since public schools are now all-but-totally responsible for kinder-nutrition, Fulton County Schools have circled the wagons. They are failing to comply with a GBI request for food samples claiming their over-arching concerns for "chain of custody." A passive-aggressive refusal at best; a cover-up at least.
We've got a posturing, pandering freshwoman Democrat Senator who wants to roll back the campus carry law because, she claims "this law is wildly unpopular." This is based solely on her campaign where "parents, students and professors told me they feel less safe knowing kids can have guns in schools." Wildly? Well something has gone wild. "Less safe?" Compared to? Really? Kids? Twenty-one years old--old enough to be tried as an adult--and that fits HER definition of a kid? Sure, this is pandering, but is this the voice of moral authority that should be speaking on "common sense" gun laws?
It gets better. Down at the Ga Supreme Court, Justices unanimously (and rightly) found that roadside, warrantless Breathalyzer tests violate the State Constitution. Is this going to stop roadside Breathalyzers? Well, yes, sort of. At least the "official" test. Turns out many jurisdictions use flashlights with built in alcohol sensors and have for some time. Not likely to stop and good luck finding any department transparent enough to let you know they use these (questionable) devices. Remember, these are the same folks who adore a $2.00 field test that can get your property seized and your ass in jail for driving under the influence of cotton candy.
The Supreme Court was on a roll, determining, again unanimously, that 911 "fees" were actually taxes and that counties did not have standing to take utility companies to court as this action is only available at the state level. Wonder if this applies to franchise "fees" as well? There is some humor value in noting that within a Stage IV metastatic permission society some parts of that very society need permission from other parts. And those "some parts" really don't like it, making one wonder why the "of, by and for" little people put up with it.
This cannot conclude without noting yet another arrogance from the sovereign government-in-a-government: public schools. Apparently some students were poisoned during the school day, and since public schools are now all-but-totally responsible for kinder-nutrition, Fulton County Schools have circled the wagons. They are failing to comply with a GBI request for food samples claiming their over-arching concerns for "chain of custody." A passive-aggressive refusal at best; a cover-up at least.