Thursday, March 23, 2017

Frightened By Unicorns

Democrats are strange creatures, particularly of late. Could be they feel a bit endangered. It's not like they are unicorns but they are certainly afraid of one. Tis the season down at the gold dome and the silly just cannot be stopped. The Quasimodos are down there screaming past each other about sanctuary with our very own Fran Millar supporting legislation he posits would be "clarifying and adding to the particular current law[AJC]." This elicited a nanny-nanny-boo-boo response from the other side of the aisle: "or muddying the water and unclarifying." Take that Fran! But wait! There's more! And it is the juicy bit because it is in the politicians' wheelhouse--self contradictory. Having never heard "no harm, no foul" this Democrat followed up with "You're proposing legislation to address something that doesn't exist." When you are one of the wee folk, taxpayers and the like, the second best legislation is legislation for unicorns[*].

[*] The very best legislation is no legislation at all.