Of integrity.
Knowing full well what was required and what rules would apply, the State of Georgia aggressively pursue Federal "Race to the Top" grants and was awarded $400M to participate in the program.
Now that they have the money they don't like the rules and they want them changed. They claim that teacher evaluations under the federal rules would result in lawsuits -- tells you something important about "educators" in Georgia, namely that litigation is directly proportional to incompetence. For the teachers out there who didn't get that it means that the more worthless the teacher the more likely they are to sue whenever their inadequacies become an issue.
And is a litigious employee base some kind of recent occurrence? Hardly. But the state is hiding behind "a new administration" claiming it was an old administration that agreed to the rules with which the current administration takes issue. Which is to say that the integrity of the Sovereign State of Georgia is little more than a wind sock.
Perhaps the folks down in the ATL should be told to man-up and if they don't like the rules give back the money. Only honorable thing to do. And while they're at it they should consider growing a pair and rid us of the incompetence dominating our education systems. That should be worth $400M.