Friday, August 7, 2009

Dunwoody Needle Park

Tucked away in northern Dunwoody is a little known but frequently used Needle Park. This is a linear park on the west side of Chamblee Dunwoody stretching from Redfield near the newly installed crosswalk practice dummy to Spalding. While the city website provides no information on this park and no city official would either confirm or deny its existence, neighbors have found discarded needles on three occasions this summer.

Folks, the facts speak for themselves:
Flora + public access + hypodermic needles = Needle Park. Q.E.D.
As one would expect, nearby residents are up in arms. There is a Needle Park right outside some of their own homes and there are NO SIGNS. That's right dear reader, Dunwoody has its very own Needle Park and our city leaders have posted no signs. Clearly a missed opportunity to print more images of the farmhouse. Yet it is also a very serious matter, certainly more important that pet projects like community leaf blowers and night light patrols. How are we, the citizens this city, to know just where this park starts and ends? Is it on both sides of Chamblee Dunwoody, or just the west? What are its hours of operation? Folks, this is what signage is all about.

It is time the mayor and council got serious about their responsibilities. This calls for immediate action--we need to put the Official Beige of Dunwoody committee on hold and form a committee to address this park issue. We need to establish hours of operation. We need the aforementioned signage with an appropriately styled image of the farmhouse. We need to investigate the possibility of state and federal grant money to operate this park. After all this is Dunwoody and we, of all people, should not have to pay our own way. We need to know if liquor is allowed as well, or is this a dedicated purpose park. And we need to know what park events we can coordinate with Lemonade Days.