Monday, February 7, 2022

Save The Dinosaurs

Traditional media (they like to call themselves "journalists") is fossilized, but wants the government to jump to their aid even invoking the First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law [...] abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;..."

No law abridging the freedom of the press is a far, far cry from "there oughta be a law that protects us from our vendors" in, what did Pelosi call it, a "free market economy." What the AJC  neglected to point out in there "save our asses" rant against online advertising is that there is competition in that market, with the top two being Google vs Adobe. They could choose either one but this would require that they come into the 21st century and embrace the business models of the information age. Unfortunately their thinking is mired in the past. 

Their model is to sell adverts in a "market" without regard to whether or not anyone actually pays attention to that ad. Sometimes they pump up the prices based on the overall size of the market claiming to dominate high value metro regions. Yet, hypocritically, they have the chutzpah to rail against what they incorrectly claim to be monopolistic characteristics of the online ad vendors. Really? What exactly is the competitive newspaper in the Atlanta metro region? And doesn't the AJC's monopoly empower them to spout whatever agenda-driven propaganda they wish? Isn't that what they do?